Specialist Wordpress Calculators

Multiple Calculators

This project was for a Spanish lender offering 5 different products.

Each one uses the same basic structure but the outputs show different repayment options.

Xpres | Classic | Carencia | Pago | Total

This is the first, a fast loan option:

Importe Total del Préstamo

Ingrese sus datos a continuación para iniciar el proceso de solicitud
Correo Electrónico
Numero Móvil
Ingresos Mensuales
Dia de Pago
Enter the word YES in the box:
Todos los cálculos son meramente ilustrativos y pueden variar en las condiciones particulares del préstamo, que serán ofrecidas antes de la firma para su revisión junto con las condiciones generales, dependiendo el importe y plazo de este.

This is set up for a client so their interest rates may not be the same as yours. But it’s all easily editable of you want something different.

If you want a version like this please contact me.

Note that these plugins are not free. The cost depends on the complexity of the plugin and what changes you need doing.