Czech Loan Calculator
My Czech isn’t very good but we did manage to sort out how it works. There are three calculators, one for each type of loan. Moving the sliders shows you a repayment amount and a bonus you can earn.
My Czech isn’t very good but we did manage to sort out how it works. There are three calculators, one for each type of loan. Moving the sliders shows you a repayment amount and a bonus you can earn.
Níže zadejte své údaje. Všechna pole jsou povinná
Souhlasím se zpracováním osobních údajůVážený kliente, v souvislosti s vyřízením vaší žádosti o uvěr, budeme vyhledávat udaje o vaší osobě v databazích o bonitě a důvěryhodnosti klientů a zpracovávat vaše osobní údaje v souladu s postupem a informacemi uvedenými na
The application form can be used as a standalone (without the calculator bit).
This is set up for a client so their settings may not be the same as yours. But it’s all easily editable of you want something different.
If you want a version like this please contact me.
Note that these plugins are not free. The cost depends on the complexity of the plugin and what changes you need doing.